Florida Gourd Society Gourd Arts Festival 2025
(ongoing through Friday, January 31, 2025)
If you choose to pay with a credit card using Square, you will be charged a $3.00 Convenience Fee. Please leave a note in the COMMENTS section if you know you are paying using Square. If you decide you want to use Square after you get your confirmation email, you must contact Jane Essig to get your Square Invoice.
If you choose to pay with PayPal, you will be charged the actual fee assessed by PayPal.
Please read and follow all instructions carefully!
Classes will be filled on a first-come, first-served basis. Classes may already be full by the time we process your registration form and may not be listed as full on this form. Please register for classes as early as possible to avoid disappointment.
There are two steps to class registration:
First, fill out and submit this form, and wait for a confirmation email with your class
schedule and a Square Invoice email. We will hold your class
reservations for 10 days after confirmation, pending receipt of your payment.
Second, when you receive your confirmation email and your Square Invoice email, follow the instructions in the Square Invoice email to pay with a credit card, or click on the PayPal link in the confirmation email to pay using PayPal, or write a check or money order payable to Florida Gourd Society, Inc.. If you choose to pay with check or money order, mail a copy of the confirmation email and your check or money order, to:
Jane Essig
13000 Forest Run Ct.
Tallahassee, FL 32317
You should receive your confirmation email from the first step with your class schedule within 48 hours. In addition to checking your email, also check your spam folder for an email, since some email providers do not like emails from web pages. If you have not received an email within the above time frame, or if you have any questions, contact Jane Essig by email (fgsreg1@dragonworks.info) or phone (850-877-3620).
Please enter your Name, Email Address, Address and Phone Number. For your Phone Number, you may enter numbers only or numbers with the appropriate dashes (i.e. 1112223333 or 111-222-3333). In order to receive the member discount on your 2025 classes, you must have paid your 2025 FGS dues by no later than December 31, 2024. If you are a paid member of the Florida Gourd Society for 2025, check the Member box. If you wish to add or renew your membership with the Florida Gourd Society, check the Add/Renew Membership button. After you submit this form, you will be given a link for filling out the membership form.
There are five Class Sessions and seven Volunteer Sessions.
For each of the session times that you plan to attend class, choose the classes you are interested in -
in the order of your preference.
Select your first, second, third or fourth Class ID choice by clicking on the arrow to the right of the
choice field and, when the Class ID list appears, clicking on your choice. If your first class choice
is full, you will be enrolled in your second choice, and so on. You may list as few or as many choices
as you like. If you want to enter more than four choices, list the Class Session and additional choices
in the "COMMENTS" section at the end of the form, in the order of your preference. Some classes may not
be listed in the order of their assigned times, so look carefully at the schedule below and the notes on the
left of this form for times.
If you choose an all day class and other class choices during the all day class,
please note in the "COMMENTS" section your preferred choice order for the sessions of the all day class.
You may add comments in the "COMMENTS" section at the end of the form.
Please choose all your classes for the entire event, then complete the form and submit it. If you want to make changes later, you can fill out the form again with your changes, but please add a note in the "COMMENTS" section describing your changes.
Only one person is allowed on a form.
Previously requested items will be retained. If you no longer want those items, leave a note in
the COMMENTS section to remove them.
If you think there was a problem with your submission, contact
Jane Essig (fgsreg1@dragonworks.info).